Steps: 1. Select all objects in sequence until they encompass an enclosed area. 2. Select any islands (also enclosed) that you want to leave as is. 3. Enter the desired material: cast iron, steel, cast steel, copper, bronze, brass, tin, lead, zinc, babbitt., nickel, nickel alloy, winding, glass, cellulose, marble, slate, porcelain, insulation, rubber, leather, Schichtpressstoffe, grinding wheels, wood with grain, wood against grain, brickwork, stonework, concrete, refractory cly, soil, or liquid. Notes: 4. The reference for material representation is: ANSI Y14.2 --American Drafting Standards Manual. Ambiguous material representations should be identified with the material name in the drawing. 5. An easy way is to choose a material you know, like tin, then change it to the desired material by changing its attributes (see 3.10.5). fi The area will be filled in with the selected material.